Past, Present, Future of mind

Human mind can go anywhere anyplace anytime with a blink of an eye, with the free of will your mind will do whatever it want, you need to control your mind by yourself (the real you), don't let it think whatever it want, don't live in the past, the future or even in the present... this might sound weird especially the present but let me explain.

Living in the past
when you keep thinking about the past - meaning you keep living in the past, some use the past to look for their mistake but the original mind has no mistake, you can use the past to gain your POWER of mind, but not to repeat over and over, again and again.

Living the in future
people like to think about how their future will be or should be, day dreaming, planning, keep thinking about the thing that not yet even happen yet and about the thing that not real, YOU NEED TO START THINKING ABOUT WHAT IS REAL AND WHAT IS NOT, the real will use KNOW to know the future, the mind will get the information about what will happen or what to do in the future from THE REAL YOU.

Living in the present
this one might be the most difficult one to explain, because we live in the present, BUT what this mean is just "make sure the one that live in the present is the REAL you not the body", the body live in the present will make you waste your precious time on earth, and just to think about what your body need.

The Real You fulfill with everything, IT doesn't have mistake and IT's not depend on right or wrong, good or bad to lead the way.


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